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Punjab Group of Colleges
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A business directory helps you find businesses in specific categories or locations, providing details like contact info, services, and reviews.
Use the search bar and filter options on the website to find businesses by category, location, or specific keywords.
Yes, you can leave reviews and ratings for businesses to share your experience and help others make informed choices.
Each listing includes contact information, such as email, phone number, or a direct messaging option.
To create a new list, start by searching for a business using the search bar. Open the business page and click “Add to List.” If you don’t have an existing list, you’ll be prompted to create one. Name your list creatively for better visibility and choose whether to make it private or public.
Register an account, claim your profile, and fill in your business details, such as name, category, and contact information.
Gain online visibility, attract customers, manage reviews, and showcase deals or discounts.
Yes, log in to your dashboard to update details, upload new photos, or adjust your services and timings.
A dedicated dashboard offers analytics to track customer interactions and improve your reach.
The platform verifies listings to ensure accuracy, but we recommend double-checking directly with the business when necessary.
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